blackberry storm 9500 wallpapers

The touch-sensitive panel is clearly the most interesting thing on the BlackBerry Storm. It's a 3.25" 480 x 360 pixel panel that apparently gives user's the feeling of pressing down on a real key, which then lights up. Other companies (notably Motorola) do this using a technology called "haptics", exactly how the 9500 improves on this is not clear.

BlackBerry devices are all about messaging, and yet there's no physical keyboard on the 9500. RIM's approach is to use an on-screen keyboard, but cleverly they have two distinct versions - a SureType virtual keyboard (as found on the BlackBerry Pearl) is used in portrait (tall) mode, with a larger QWERTY keyboard for use in landscape (wide) mode. The Storm automatically switches between modes when rotated, so if you suddenly find that you need to do some more intensive typing than the SureType arrangement allows then it's a hassle-free transition.
blackberry storm 9500 wallpapers
blackberry storm 9500 photo
blackberry storm 9500 pic
blackberry storm 9500 wallpaper

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